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Lo Sviluppo del Business Professionale di società straniere in Russia
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Business development manager su base outsourcing
BDM locale per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e target

Executive Management
Oksana Evdokimova is an experienced Business Development professional of Russian nationality. She has a proven experience in B2B markets in different industries but also she successfully has developed an effective distribution network through the Russian Federation and CIS countries for the international companies.

Oksana Evdokimova
CEO ProspectRus MBA, Executive ManagementDevelop the internet-marketing projects for more than 15 years, has graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the department Electronic business and has received the MBA degree in strategy and marketing in the Moscow Academy of National Economy. Has realised more than 70 projects.

Digital marketing specialistDelivers the audit of the financial statements, tax audit, tax consulting and representation of the companies’ interests in the tax disputes for over 12 years. Has graduated from the Moscow Financial Academy, the department Finance and Credit.

Professional auditorHas more than 15 years in M&A deals. Has graduated from the Saint-Petersburg University, the economy department and has received the MBA degree in the Stockholm School of Economics, EMBA, general management. Implemented more than 70 projects (investment budget of up to EUR 500 million) for different companies.

M&A specialistRetail&FMCG business development manager. Has graduated from the Moscow University of Consumer goods, the department World Economy. Has the experience more than 10 years in the cooperation with the retail chains in Russia. Has an excellent skills in customer relationship management and private label product strategy implementation.

M&A specialistHas graduated from the Orel State University, the department the economic informative systems. Has a good experience in the customer services, cold calls, marketing research.

Customer service specialistHas graduated from the NORTHERN OSSETIAN STATE UNIVERSITY named after Hetagurov, laurea Linguistica. Also has diploma of University degli Studi di Trieste. Experienced teacher of English and Russian. Highly professional Interpreter.

Laurea LinguisticaWe evaluate your real opportunities on the Russian market, in the specific area where your products or services can be offered. We will conduct the market analyses including the industries, sectors, geographical coverage, and market segmentation. We will examine the imported volumes and identify the main importers and suppliers. We will review the foreign and local competitors focusing on their competitive advantages and price level. We will develop the superior value proposition for your products and analyze all the possible distribution channels. Then we will prepare an overview in order to let you know the real opportunities and the investments required. In case of your presence at the Russian market we will undertake the audit of your position, activities, business-model, access new distribution opportunities via potential new partners, prepare our recommendations how to achieve better results and work on them further.
We will identify and select the target partners: distributors, agents, B2B clients, retailers (Federal and Regional ones) potential Private Label producers and etc. on the market, organize the meetings and support you while the customers’ visits and negotiations. Before starting the potential partners’ search, we will do a market research and evaluate your potential perspectives. Then we will fill in, together with you, a partner’s profile and prepare a list of potential contacts, than will send the advertising materials and the related offers to all the contacts. We will identify potential partners, interested in your offer, than we will fix the appointments and, on our own or together with the representative of your company, carry on meetings and negotiations, we will write down the data emerged during the meetings and map out a plan of actions to follow.
If you think over to move from the “distribution model” to “your local representative office” in order to have a stronger control over the market and increase your volumes & values but you are not ready to invest heavily then we will be your representative office in Russia on the Outsourcing Basis. We will provide you with the sales force, technical specialists to serve your customers in Russia, access new distribution opportunities via potential new partners, strengthen your distribution in the market, communicate your marketing activities, and work with distributors and retailers to ensure a 360 approach. We will assist you in getting of the certificates in order not to be aligned with one distributor, check trade-mark filings, resolve in-market issues, forecast demand to ensure ideal stock levels or duly supplies, import your products to Russia, hire a 3-rd party force (merchandising, logistic and etc.) for you.
Today, the marketplaces are promising and well-managed channel for selling and promoting products. This distribution channel can be considered as an alternative strategy for the quicker foreign market penetration and better results on sales and ROI. We will be your partner for the local marketplaces in Russia: Wildberries, Ozon, Yandex Market- Beru, Goods etc. We will assist you in delivering of your goods to the warehouses of marketplaces in Russia, help in obtaining of the certificates and all the necessary permits, register your brand and products on Russian marketplaces, prepare and upload the content, set up promotion tools, form an assortment matrix, provide sales support and customer support, provide analytics and performance reports. We guarantee you a professional approach, comprehensive range of services and “turn-key” cooperation model.
Thanks to a professional team of specialists and our experience, we know how to work with the effective tools for lead generation and marketing communication to interact with the audience. We will make for you a Russian version of the web-site or landing page, taking into consideration all the USP of your products and the up-to-date web-sites requirements. We will launch different activities such as SEO, SMM, email marketing, PPC advertising and etc., will publish selling posts and articles in the native language, control the campaigns and budgets, do analytics and report to you on a regular basis. We will professionally organize off-line marketing activities for you as well: seminars, conferences, distributors’ meetings, exhibitions, we will do the follow-up of the exhibitions in order to get the fantastic ROI results.
If you are ready and want to enter the Russian market through the acquisition of a local operating business or other assets, we will be happy to accompany you at all stages of the M&A deal, which will allow you to avoid unnecessary risks and to reduce costs. The aim is, proceeding from the client’s requests, to select ideal businesses/assets to be purchased, according to the previously defined choice criteria. The stages of cooperation: market research and preparation of a short-list of companies that may be of interest from the point of view of their acquisition, Due Diligence (analysis of the company before the purchase), analysis of the cost of the asset, carrying on the negotiations, assistance and complete support during the deal, integration. This service also includes the establishing of the local production unit, selection of free economic zones and foundation of joint ventures.
customers and partners
in the Russian market -
office in Russia
We will identify and select the target partners: distributors, agents, B2B clients, retailers (Federal and Regional ones) potential Private Label producers and etc. on the market, organize the meetings and support you while the customers’ visits and negotiations. Before starting the potential partners' search, we will do a market research and evaluate your potential perspectives. Then we will fill in, together with you, a partner's profile and prepare a list of potential contacts, than will send the advertising materials and the related offers to all the contacts. We will identify potential partners, interested in your offer, than we will fix the appointments and, on our own or together with the representative of your company, carry on meetings and negotiations, we will write down the data emerged during the meetings and map out a plan of actions to follow.
Russian Marketplaces -
& Marketing activities -
We will identify and select the target partners: distributors, B2B clients, retailers (Federal and Regional ones) potential Private Label producers and etc. on the market, organize the meetings and support you while the customers’ visits and negotiations. Before starting the potential partners’ search, we will do a market research and evaluate your potential perspectives. Then we will fill in, together with you, a partner’s profile and prepare a list of potential contacts, than will send the advertising materials and the related offers to all the contacts. We will identify potential partners, interested in your offer, than we will fix the appointments and, on our own or together with the representative of your company, carry on meetings and negotiations, we will write down the data emerged during the meetings and map out a plan of actions to follow.
We evaluate your real opportunities on the Russian market, in the specific area where your products or services can be offered. We will conduct the market analyses including the industries, sectors, geographical coverage, and market segmentation. We will examine the imported volumes and identify the main importers and suppliers. We will review the foreign and local competitors focusing on their competitive advantages and price level. We will develop the superior value proposition for your products and analyze all the possible distribution channels. Then we will prepare an overview in order to let you know the real opportunities and the investments required. In case of your presence at the Russian market we will undertake the audit of your position, activities, business-model, access new distribution opportunities via potential new partners, prepare our recommendations how to achieve better results and work on them further.
Today, the marketplaces are promising and well-managed channel for selling and promoting products. This distribution channel can be considered as an alternative strategy for the quicker foreign market penetration and better results on sales and ROI. We will be your partner for the local marketplaces in Russia: Wildberries, Ozon, Yandex Market- Beru, Goods etc. We will assist you in delivering of your goods to the warehouses of marketplaces in Russia, help in obtaining of the certificates and all the necessary permits, register your brand and products on Russian marketplaces, prepare and upload the content, set up promotion tools, form an assortment matrix, provide sales support and customer support, provide analytics and performance reports. We guarantee you a professional approach, comprehensive range of services and “turn-key” cooperation model.
clienti e partner
nel mercato russo -
Noi di identificare e selezionare la destinazione partner: distributori, clienti B2B, rivenditori (Federale e Regionale) potenziale Privato Etichetta produttori e etc. sul mercato, organizzare riunioni e supporto, mentre i clienti, visite e trattative. Prima di iniziare il potenziale partner di ricerca, faremo una ricerca di mercato e valutare le potenziali prospettive. Poi ci sarà riempire, insieme con voi, di un partner profilo e preparare un elenco di potenziali contatti, di inviare il materiale pubblicitario e le relative offre a tutti i contatti. Noi di identificare i potenziali partner interessati alla vostra offerta, di fissare gli appuntamenti e, da soli o insieme con il rappresentante della vostra azienda, per realizzare incontri e trattative, possiamo scrivere i dati emersi durante gli incontri e la mappa di un piano di azioni da seguire.
In qualità di partner di vendita, operiamo come rappresentante del vostro paese. Siamo responsabili dello sviluppo e dell'esecuzione di un piano strategico per far crescere il business nel mercato russo. In questo ruolo, costruiamo le relazioni con i clienti chiave, identificando nuove opportunità di business e guidando la crescita delle vendite attraverso il paese. Come partner di vendita, aiutiamo l'azienda a sviluppare con successo la propria attività in Russia utilizzando i nostri contatti e le nostre conoscenze sul pubblico di destinazione. Il nostro ruolo di partner di vendita sta espandendo il business internazionale dei nostri clienti. Forniamo preziose conoscenze sulle caratteristiche culturali, economiche e legali della regione, che aiutano ad adattare i prodotti e le strategie di marketing alle esigenze del pubblico di destinazione. Invece di investire risorse significative nella creazione di un proprio ufficio di rappresentanza in un nuovo mercato, l'azienda può utilizzare noi come partner di vendita che ha già l'esperienza in questa regione, il che riduce i rischi finanziari e operativi. Pertanto, il partner di vendita funge da alleato strategico, contribuendo al successo dell'espansione del business e rafforzando la sua posizione nei mercati
Se pensi avere un “rappresentante locale” al fine di avere un maggiore controllo del mercato e aumentare i volumi e valori, ma non si è pronti a investire pesantemente poi ci sarà il tuo Outsourcing Manager dello Sviluppo del Business. Vi forniremo con la forza vendita, esperti tecnici per servire i clienti in Russia, l'accesso a nuove opportunità di distribuzione via potenziale nuovo partner, si rafforza la distribuzione nel mercato, comunicare le vostre attività di marketing, e lavorare con i distributori e i rivenditori per garantire una 360 approccio. Noi vi aiuterà a ottenere i certificati in modo da non essere allineato con un distributore, controllo marchio limatura, risolvere questioni di mercato, previsioni di domanda, per assicurare ideale livelli di scorte o debitamente forniture, importare i vostri prodotti per la Russia, il noleggio di un 3-rd partito di forza (merchandising, logistica, etc.) per voi.
Prendendo in considerazione la situazione del mercato mondiale dopo il febbraio’22 abbiamo preso la decisione di aprire una Trade House in Europa e Russia al fine di aiutare le aziende europee ad importare in Russia e ridurre al minimo tutti i possibili rischi per quanto riguarda la logistica finanziaria e dei trasporti. Riceveremo i pagamenti dalle società russe in Russia, trasferiremo il denaro in Europa senza problemi ed effettueremo i pagamenti alla tua azienda per le merci. Poi organizzeremo il processo logistico e doganale e il vostro partner russo otterrà i vostri prodotti in Russia. Ti aiutiamo anche a ottenere i certificati / dichiarazioni / certificati di registrazione statale / licenze. Si riferisce anche alla documentazione permissiva di importazione parallela
Ad un certo punto, l'azienda smette di svilupparsi: la sua attività diventa obsoleta. Le vendite e la redditività dell'azienda possono ancora avere dinamiche positive, ma il tasso di crescita rallenta — l'azienda si trova nella fase di stagnazione.
Questo servizio si adatta perfettamente alle aziende straniere che hanno l'ufficio di rappresentanza in Russia e hanno bisogno di una nuova visione su di esso dal punto di MERCATO, PRODOTTO, CLIENTE, MODELLO di BUSINESS. Chi ha bisogno di trovare driver di crescita per aumentare valore, profitti e margini, per entrare nei segmenti di nuovi clienti, sistematizzare e strutturare i processi aziendali e sviluppare un nuovo business plan.
Si prega di compilare il form sottostante e un nostro responsabile ti contatterà al più presto per discutere di una possibile collaborazione

Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Chiesa & Dwight Co., Inc., è uno del produttore americano principale di prodotti per la casa, la cura personale e la salute che ha sede a Ewing, New Jersey e registrato nel Delaware. Produttore del mondo marchi famosi come: Braccio & amp; Martello, Nair, Batiste, OxiClean, Toppik, Acqua Pik, Pepsodent e molti altri. L'azienda aveva il distributore in Russia ma voleva valutare tutte le possibilità di mercato e espandere significativamente la propria quota di mercato.
Il team di Prospettrus ha svolto il ruolo di consulente e lo sviluppo del business squadra in questo caso.
Cosa abbiamo fatto: - abbiamo analizzato il mercato in caso di nuove canali distributivi; - valutare nuove opportunità distributive attraverso potenziali nuovi partner; - ha organizzato gli incontri di lavoro con potenziali clienti; - eseguito l'audit retail al fine di comprendere gli indicatori generali di presenza e assenza; - valutato il risorse / attività assegnate per continuare ad essere #1 sul mercato; - preparato il business plan & amp; raccomandazioni;
Contatti e relazioni commerciali sono stati stabiliti, di successo le trattative commerciali sono state tenute con i principali partner in Russia. Il la rete di distribuzione e vendita a livello federale è in corso.





Gruppo Green Power S.p.A

Australian All Natural Skincare PTY LTD

- Materie prime per l’industria agrochimica e chimica
- Cosmetici&Profumo
- Bellezza e cura della persona
- Costruzione
- Home&Horeca tessile/tessuti
- Macchine per la lavorazione del legno e metallo
- Ventilazione per uso industriale e domestico
- Servizio Da Tavola/ Accessori Da Cucina
- Imballaggio
- Di altri beni di consumo
Oksana Evdokimova is an experienced Business Development professional of Russian nationality. She has a proven experience in B2B markets in different industries but also she successfully has developed an effective distribution network through the Russian Federation and CIS countries for the international companies.

Oksana Evdokimova
CEO ProspectRus MBA, Executive ManagementDevelop the internet-marketing projects for more than 15 years, has graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the department Electronic business and has received the MBA degree in strategy and marketing in the Moscow Academy of National Economy. Has realised more than 70 projects.

Digital marketing specialistDelivers the audit of the financial statements, tax audit, tax consulting and representation of the companies’ interests in the tax disputes for over 12 years. Has graduated from the Moscow Financial Academy, the department Finance and Credit.

Professional auditorHas more than 15 years in M&A deals. Has graduated from the Saint-Petersburg University, the economy department and has received the MBA degree in the Stockholm School of Economics, EMBA, general management. Implemented more than 70 projects (investment budget of up to EUR 500 million) for different companies.

M&A specialistRetail&FMCG business development manager. Has graduated from the Moscow University of Consumer goods, the department World Economy. Has the experience more than 10 years in the cooperation with the retail chains in Russia. Has an excellent skills in customer relationship management and private label product strategy implementation.

M&A specialistHas graduated from the Orel State University, the department the economic informative systems. Has a good experience in the customer services, cold calls, marketing research.

Customer service specialistHas graduated from the NORTHERN OSSETIAN STATE UNIVERSITY named after Hetagurov, laurea Linguistica. Also has diploma of University degli Studi di Trieste. Experienced teacher of English and Russian. Highly professional Interpreter.

Laurea Linguistica
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Church & Dwight Co., Inc., is one of the major American manufacturer of household, personal care and healthcare products that is headquartered in Ewing, New Jersey and registered in Delaware. Producer of the world famous brands such as: Arm & Hammer, Nair, Batiste, OxiClean, Toppik, Water Pik, Pepsodent and many others. The company had the distributor in Russia but wanted to evaluate all the market possibilities and significantly expand their market share.
Prospectrus team performed as the consultant and the business development team in this case.
What we have done: - we have analysed the market in case of new distribution channels; - assessed new distribution opportunities via potential new partners; - organized the business meetings with the potential customers; - executed the retail audit in order to understand the general presence and absence indicators; - evaluated the resources/activities allocated to keep being #1 on the market; - prepared the business plan&recommendations;
Contacts and business relations have been established, successful business negotiations have been held with major partners in Russia. The distribution and sales network on a federal level is in the process.





Gruppo Green Power S.p.A

Australian All Natural Skincare PTY LTD